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Thanks Giving Heroes Blog

Jason’s Story

| Jenni Griffin |
Between 2017 and 2018, I found myself falling on particularly challenging times. The stresses and difficulties that come with working in the real estate sector had been taking their toll on me. I w…

Why Give? What’s in it for Me?

| Jenni Griffin |
When Giving to Others Gives Back As so many inevitably discover, giving to others has the incredible power of being contagious in the best way possible. Whether it’s with your time, your money, or …

Thanksgivings Heroes Roots…

| Jenni Griffin |
As an eleven-year old boy growing up in South Texas, Thanksgiving’s Heroes, LLC founder, Rob Adams was the oldest child in a family of six. Although he vividly recalls being a happy and loved child…

We have reached our family nomination capacity!

| Jenni Griffin |
We set a goal of feeding 2,500 families and we have hit our goal! Unfortunately, that means that we are no longer taking family nominations. We realize the need is great and we couldn’t do it witho…